I also got the same error.How did you rectified it. It also removed the approval steps from Process Builder and highlighted with s the prerequisite items to building my process. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Give your Salesforce admin these details. Step 2. Hello friends,I removed the post that contained a walk through of this step. I had to do some travel, so I parked this issue for a couple of days, hoping to clear the obstacle following the suggestions.I have cloned and modified the process, separating the criteria nodes:- First criteria (prospecting/customer) just making sure that account associated with opportunity not null, then send email to finance- Second criteria (prospecting) has 4 conditions, if these satisfied create task Send marketing Materialso Stage is prospectingo Account.ID not NULLo Owner ID not NULLo Account Type is PROSPECTAfter reactivating the process, still getting dreaded error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.I have attached the document with my screenshots and few notes, capturing the new flow. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type, #Salesforce Admin #Trailhead Challenges #Trailhead #Automation #Process AutomationSpecialistSuperbadge, Approval Process.2 failed.The approval request requires the next approver to be determined by the Manager field. I used AND(something,something) Note- Negotiation is incorrectly spelled. Do you have the approval process set up so that the manager is the approver? Any help much appreciated as could not figure out what is wrong, The second node and the "send marketing materials" step look good to me! (Just post the details as a reply). I have completed my Superbadge, Hint: You will need a total of 4 nodes for this process (the blue diamond shaped bits.). I ranted again, moved things around, tried again. Email some screenshots or a video of your process to rebecca@capstorm.com. (OR( ISPICKVAL(Type, 'Customer - Direct'), ISPICKVAL(Type, 'Customer - Channel')). Note :- Use Process Builder(PB) to setup all these automation and obviously in one PB. I used two nodes, because I thought it was simpler- everybody triggers an email to finance, then filter out the customers for the second node to trigger the marketing materials action. I'm Sandeep Yadav. Hi Trailhead Baby!Thank you for your help. The screenshots are in the blog post. I will help you figure out each challenge and how to clear it. Requesting admin to make update in your last question formula. Though I have created a new Trailhead Playground for this superbadge, however I am not able to view RainbowBot, CloudyBot, and Assembly System in the product name, where to check them 2. Go to the Process we created in step 5. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: CASE(WEEKDAY([Opportunity].CloseDate + 180) ,7,[Opportunity].CloseDate + 182,1,[Opportunity].CloseDate + 181,[Opportunity].CloseDate + 180) and it worked, Challenge 1 : Automate Leads :Assignment Rules\Select the criteria for this rule entry And I have now spent four times as much time on step 7 than on any of the other steps combined. Hi , In Challenge 5 .. we need to define this formula CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDate + 180 - DATE(1900, 1, 7),7), 0, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 181, 6, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 182, [Opportunity].CloseDate + 180) i m getting error after this :Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date. Please dont forgot to Activate the page. Search for the approval process and select an opportunity object. I had two. * Finance needs to know about all opportunities, but marketing materials only need to be sent to a certain group of opportunities. Thanks allot Deadman , I just wasted my 3hours to tackle the issue, but u came as a saviour. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldnt be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0015f00000Ow7PGAAZ. A positive- the screenshot you emailed of the "send marketing materials" action has all the correct criteria! Frankly, I didn't check the process with an actual record - which is a good idea! First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Opportunity automation7 process failed. Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Oh happy day!! what do you mean not occur on the weekends? Waw, what a dedication--both in terms of the superbadges and answering all of those questions! An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow Make sure that your processes schedule robot setup dates and submit opportunities for approval.For the purpose of approvals, assign Nushi Davoud as your manager and make sure your approval process automatically sends requests to the opportunity owners manager. When you are selecting the field:Opportunity is the starting object.Click on the drop down- and scroll down.The items with a ">" next to them will expand to related fields.Scroll down past the ">" options, and you will see the fields directly related to the opportunity object including OpportunityID. Label = Last won deal date When you start a create a new report, simply click to start with a clean screen. Without deleting that, I wasn't able to pass. Create Setup Record and Setup Date = 180 days + close date. Share and grow together..!For more, we always have the back of the community and you can drop me a comment if it helps! After spending hours on this step trying to figure out how my formula was not working correctly, I ran through the debug logs and finally found the issue. "I'm going crazy, I have days doing this and I can not, can you help me? In the end, I set all my variables to Input and Output to be safe, and it passed. Ronak SFDC Process automation specialist Superbadge feedback (Step 6) Hi All, I was stuck on step 6 of the Process Automation Specialist SuperBadge for hours, and wanted to post some help for others who may be going through what I went through. My first assumption is that there is a reference field missing in your process. stopTest (); //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. This is in the flow builder. Tip: Have 2 entry criteria in approval process: Money and stage.Tip: Put the money criteria ONLY in the approval process, NOT in Process Builder.Approval process details:Entry Criteria- Amount>100,000 and Stage= Negotiation / ReviewApproval Assignment Email Template- SALES: Opportunity Needs ApprovalInitial Submission Actions: Record Lock & Field Update to Awaiting ApprovalApproval Actions: Field Update to Closed WonRejection Actions: Field Update back to stage Negotiation/ReviewFinal Approval Actions: Record Lock, Email Alert: Opportunity Approval Status EmailFinal Rejection Actions: Record Unlock but I am still getting an email after this error message: Error element myRule_6_A1 (FlowActionCall).No applicable approval process was found. All of them have to be inactive. I based my criteria on the Negotiation node solely on the opp stage- since the opp amount was part of the approval criteria. Just a correction, NOT from CONTAIN should be removed as well: OR If you dont find the formula field in the edit option of the field, you can delete and recreate the field with the same name as well. I breezed through the first 6 sections of the superbadge without any problems. That's what I would do if it isn't a validation rule problem. The Day of the Week should not fall on Saturday or Sunday. Hi Trailhead Baby,I am still getting the same error message :(Not sure what is wrong. My only hunch is the Day of the Week field on the Robot Setup Custom object which is not setup as formula. In process builder check whether u select the stop button or execute the next First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup process failed. You are missing many of the instructions. I do not see an obvious issue in what you sent.but details would be helpful, This is my error, where did I go wrong:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Hint: Carefully read / listen to the 1st line of the "Automate Opportunities" video/transcript. startTest (); Test . Validation Rules >> New. Everything looks the same. Home Make sure to inactive other processes in Processes to avoid interference and activate your process builder: Help onSuperbadge Process Automation specialistStep 6? Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Can you tell me why? ("manager" is the correct approver). Create Sales Process and Validate OpportunitiesCreate a sales process with the required stages and name it RB Robotics Sales Process. NOT( (Be sure to create a Trailhead Playground, and not a regular Developer Edition org. setMock ( HttpCalloutMock . {!myVariable_current.Account.Type} (Customer - Channel) Equals Customer - Direct4. Manager of Opportunity Owner for Approval; Lock Record and move stage to Awaiting Approval. Hello Trailhead Baby,I getting the error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Here is the error messageChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. I am facing this error while checking my challenge Automate Oppotunities on Process Automation Specialist. Flows are not my strong suite. 2) For the task: The due date formula is missing from your comment. Randomly enough, you dont seem to need to tick this box as part of your approval process to pass the challenge, but in a real-life scenario, Im pretty sure I would cover that base. Kudos to you!!! This morning I check again, without changing anything. As matter of fact, I had to delete a validation rule for customer stage field and passed. Rated Accounts by State The record count for state and account rating are automatically added. MOD(Date__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), Thanks Trailhead Baby. Can you help me to find out the reason for this errorChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Select queue to Process Automation Specialist. Same error. ) This error keeps coming back : A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. Youll be coming back to this object later in the challenge, since, in typical fashion, our stakeholder realises the start date can be at weekends. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Hi! The formula field you need to create for calculating the day of the week can be easily found online; I used this forum post. An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please refer to the step again. After giving it some considerable thought, I ended up creating a Process (1) to handle the emails to Finance (and the task), then invoking that in another Process (2) that runs based on Opportunity Stages. Label = Number of won deals hmmmm. Not, "create a record if" the "if" bit is contained within the node.- You could probably do this within one node by using the more general conditions for the node, then triggering a separate process which filters out the customers or doing something similar in visual workflow.